
Welcome to our shop. We offer a selection of fine and rare minerals coming from our Alps (Switzerland, France, Austria, Italy) but also other alpine-like deposits (Pakistan, Russia, Himalayas). Alpine minerals often hold a luxury place in collection. The alpine clefts are known to produce some of the best quality minerals like the famous pink fluorites or smoky quartz.

Are you a gems collector ? Then you will be pleased to visit our alpine gemstones section. There you will find extremely rare gems. Maybe you’ve already seen cut amethyst or smoky quartz from Brazil or Africa, which are pretty common, but have you ever seen a cut amethyst gemstone coming from the Alps ? Their locality make these gems highly desirable by collectors. 

Looking for a gift for your loved one or for yourself ? Make it unique with one of our hand-made creations. All the jewelry pieces are hand-crafted with fine materials and hand-sourced minerals, mostly from Switzerland and the Mont-Blanc area, France. If you’re inspired by one of these but would like to customize it with a stone of yours for example, please let us know and we will sort it out together. 

To find for information about the alpine mineralogy, take a look at the literature section. It offers a personal selection of books about alpine minerals and stories of crystal seekers the Alps. You will also find some very interesting books about alpine-type mineralogy outside the European Alps : Pakistan, Brazil, Russia, etc.